Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope you have all had an amazing Memorial Day, and that you spent some time thinking about the meaning of this national holiday. Today is a day to think about all those who have served for our country and paid the ultimate sacrifice. I honestly felt pretty emotional every time I thought about this today, because I can never begin to thank the families of those brave men and women enough. I am patriotic all year around, and thank God that I live in such a free country, but I feel like today I thought a lot more about how we stay free and protected.

While watching the news tonight, I saw a great piece on FoxNews about George W Bush participating in the Warrior 100, a bike race for wounded veterans put on through the Wounded Warriors Project. I was near to tears watching these vets, who were seriously injured in battle, get out there and bike 100km in the Texas desert. And, seeing GW and his pride and gratitude toward all of the participants was amazing. I may lose some followers here, but I love George Bush and I think he was an excellent president. Seeing him join in on an event like this just made me love him even more. He is a true patriot. Check out this article to learn more about the race. The video is not yet posted to FoxNews' site, but when it is I will post the link so you can all check it out. I guarantee you will have an even greater appreciation for our soldiers and want to get involved with the Wounded Warriors Project.

I just want to say thank you to all who have served, and express my unending gratitude to those who have been killed in the line of duty. Without you, this country would not be what it is.


1 comment:

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

This post is such a good reminder of what this long weekend is really about!