Saturday, January 22, 2011

The King's Speech

I went to see the King's Speech tonight with one of my bffs Lauren, and it was the best movie I have seen in a really long time! I thought Colin Firth was just amazing, and I loved Helena Bonham played a serious role. Every time I think of her I think of her crazy style and movies like Alice in Wonderland and Sweeney Todd. I really like historical movies, I don't know why, but they just seem to have a lot more meaning. (That's not to say that I don't enjoy a silly movie every now and then) It was also interesting to see after I spent 6 weeks in London this summer, especially Westminster Abbey since I got to do to a church service there! If you haven't seen this yet it's a MUST!

Otherwise today was pretty chill. We went on a lovely family trip to Costco (you know I can't resist a trip to Costco) and then my mom and I ran some errands this afternoon. We got a really cute Valentines wreath for our backdoor at HomeGoods, and there were TONS of other Valentines decorations that I just might have to go back and get.

I am trying to cut caffeine out of my diet, and my head has been KILLIN me! Whoever says that caffeine is not addictive is a lier!! I am having serious withdrawals, but I'm sure it will be better in the long run.

That's all for today! Hope y'all had a great Saturday!!!


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